BPM Tips

Practical BPM tips for business process analysts and process managers

BPM Tips

Practical BPM tips for business process analysts and process managers

Tired of process models full of errors and omissions? Try this…

“We plan to move the process modelling to the business guys but they are not ready to produce correct models”, “It takes too long to fix all those errors”, “There are no descriptions for the process steps. Again…”

Do you also struggle with models created by your colleagues with less than perfect BPMN knowledge and BPM experience?

If you liked the approach I proposed in the post “How to make sure your process models are useful” and the PDF checklist you may like one of the new features available in ADONIS:cloud (disclosure – this is a commercial SaaS BPM tool offered by my company).


Process validation (shown above) allows you to find (and easily fix) all BPMN errors (1), but also helps you with the BPM best practices regarding e.g. process scope (2), checking whether mandatory attributes like Description or Responsibility are filled, or gives to-do list that helps you remember all the important steps like having proper object names (3), designing the process with a proper layout or placing it in the process architecture.

Sounds interesting? Try ADONIS:cloud for 30 days and let me know if there are some more checks that you would find useful.

Tired of process models full of errors and omissions? Try this…

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