BPMN Model Interchange Working Group capability demonstration 2024

BPMN MIWG capability demo is back! Again, we will be showcasing the interoperability of BPMN diagrams. This time our capability demonstration will not be a part of the Object Management Group conference, but it will be a standalone (online) event on July 18th, 2024 at 04:00 PM CEST.

UPDATE: below you can see the YouTube recording and additional info about our demonstration.

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Back to school 2023 – free online courses for BPM professionals (and not only)

There’s a famous quote from “The Wizard of Oz” movie “Toto, I’ve a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore”. I think it summarizes well situation we live in currently.

COVID-19, Great Resignation, GenAI revolution, Climate Crisis, and other Megatrends already led to significant changes in business and our lives and it does not seem that the changes are over.

What does it mean for BPM in general and for the skills required from BPM practitioners? Like in the past years I want to share with you list of useful materials that can help you sharpen your BPM skills.

However, this time I am adding also materials that are not about the process management, but also other skills, that are – in my opinion – very important currently. I will be expanding this post with more resources showing not only what do we need to do to manage processes but also – what are the new skills we need to learn (like GenAI) and more importantly how we can take a broader view on the impact of our work on customers, our organizations and society in general.
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Podcasts for process management professionals [2023 edition]

Podcasts for process management professionals [2023 edition]

One of the goals of this blog is to share with you actionable tips that may help you in your business process management activities.

This year I plan to spend more time preparing new content for you. Expect more posts on this blog and on my new Substack (https://processmodeling.substack.com/), as well as new online courses. More details coming soon!

In case you are wondering – some of the popular series from past years will be continued, but in a slightly different form as I want to experiment a bit with new ideas.

What’s your source of BPM inspiration?

One of the best ways to stay sharp and grow professionally is to learn from others. I personally enjoy learning both from BPM thought leaders and from fellow process professionals. Ideally those should be people with different experiences and perspectives (not only from “my bubble”), so that I can question my thinking and get some new ideas.

Podcasts can be a great source inspiration for people interested in business processes. Since there were huge changes since my last post about BPM podcasts I thought you may enjoy an update.


Podcasts for process management professionals (2023)

List below contains podcasts which cover the topic of process management, which have over 10 episodes overall, with at least one episode from 2023. You will find there a tagline of a podcast, few words from me about podcast and its host, number of episodes and my suggestion from which episode you can begin to get a taste of what to expect.

New Process Podcast

Tagline: “Learn all the tools, methods and best practices combined with people, emotions and a human-centric mindset to rethink your process and push it to the next level”

Mirko Kloppenburg shares his learnings and insights about the BPM and interviews process management pros. If human-centric processes are your topic, Mirko is your man!

20+ episodes.

More info: https://newprocesslab.com/new-process-podcast/

Where to start: EP #021 “Don’t miss these New Process topics for 2023”


Mining Your Business

Tagline: “Show all about process mining, data science and advanced analytics”.

As you may guess from its title this podcast is mostly about the process mining, but Jakub, Patrick and their guests share lots of valuable insights for process practitioners.

50+ episodes.

More info: https://www.miningyourbusinesspodcast.com/

Where to start: EP #050 “What is Process Mining? Vol. 2”


What’s Your Baseline

Tagline: “In this show we talk about our experiences and lessons learned in Enterprise Architecture and Business Process Management. WYB is designed for everyone – newbies who are just getting started with these topics, organizations who want to improve their EA and BPM groups and the value they get from it, as well as practitioners who want to get a different perspective and care about the discipline. Each episode will tackle different key topics providing context, background, best practices and stories from the road inviting you to learn from our challenges and successes and demonstrating key tools to help you set up your practice and get the most out of it.”

Podcast about EA and BPM. Hosts (Roland and J-M) cover many interesting topics in a unique style.

30+ episodes.

More info: https://www.whatsyourbaseline.com/

Where to start: EP #033 “How to inspire people for process: Mirko Kloppenburg”


Process Pioneers

Tagline: “The show that takes a deep dive into the minds of decision makers, key influencers and process experts who are pioneering the world of everything process”.

To say that Daniel invited many interesting guests would be a massive understatement. Valuable content and great selection of guests. This is actually a video podcast, so for some episodes you may prefer a video version (e.g., in episode with Alec Sharp where he shows diagrams).

140+ episodes!!!

More info:

Where to start: S2 EP #041 “2022 Process Pioneers Recap”

PS. If you prefer video to audio only you may also enjoy “AI, Automation and Analytics. Quick Takes” by IDC with Neil Ward Dutton


Do you have other favorites? Share them in comments!

How processes can help create good jobs?

Since this is my first post in 2022 I want to wish you all the best in this year. May your plans come to fruition! 

Pretty likely you have some resolutions for this year, perhaps including some process-related ones 😉 If so, let me know in comments (or drop me an e-mail at zbigniew@bpmtips.com), so that I can share with you helpful content.

This post is a part of the experiment I planned for this year. Apart from the standard posts you know well from my website (e.g. BPM skills), I want to see if you like the new formats of content. 

Below, you can see an example of the first format: process mention. What’s the idea? When I read or listen to something outside the BPM universe, sometimes processes are mentioned from an interesting angle. Instead of making notes for myself, I want to share some quotes with you. Let me know if you find it useful!

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