BPM Skills in 2020 – Hot or Not (part 2)
Did you enjoy the part 1 of post about BPM skills in 2020? Check the part 2!
Did you enjoy the part 1 of post about BPM skills in 2020? Check the part 2!
Every year is a chance to learn (and use in practice) something new. I believe in learning from the best – this is why on this blog you can find world-class BPM experts sharing their knowledge with you 🙂
I think that one of the best sources of knowledge about Business Process Management is the “Fundamentals of BPM” book along with the MOOC courses based on it.
You may recall from my post “Back to school 2019: free online courses for BPM professionals” that while awesome MOOC course “Fundamentals of BPM” (run till 2017 by QUT) is not available anymore in an interactive form, video recordings are available.
Professor Marcello La Rosa kindly allowed me to present them in a form more convenient than the original PDF (available on http://fundamentals-of-bpm.org/mooc/).
Below you can find links to pages with videos.
Chances are you have big plans for this year. But how to make those plans turn into reality?
Even brightest idea does not transform into results without:
a) Good old-fashioned hard work
b) Knowledge what to do and how to do it.
I cannot help you with point a, but for point b… 🙂
As in previous years I prepared for you answers from experts about hot skills for process/automation professionals.
Each year is a chance to make a change for yourself and your organization. But it will be a positive change only if you know what are the right things to focus on, and which ones should be avoided.
To help you make 2018 your best year ever I asked 20+ BPM experts about the skills that will be hot this year.
As you will see I kept the basic structure used in 2016 and 2017 version of this post, but to make it more actionable added a question about the best resources to learn the hot BPM skills.
Plus – this time I have something extra 🙂
It’s Not Your Daddy’s BPM.
Some of the things we were traditionally doing as BPM practitioners are no longer seen as important. New trends are emerging. Hype level is very high.
Do you want to know which BPM skills will be really useful in 2017?
I do 🙂
To help you focus on relevant things and skip things that will not give results this year I asked some of the best BPM experts in the world two questions:
1. What are the skills and techniques that can help BPM practitioners create value for their organizations in 2017?
2. Which skills are no longer relevant or not practically applicable yet (hype)
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The summer holidays are time to slow down a bit and think about what we are doing daily. It also applies to BPM where we often forget about things that really matter.
To give you fresh and common sense approach to BPM I invited for an interview Emiel Kelly.
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What were your plans for 2016?
Eat healthy food? Exercise daily? Learn the basics of BPM?
If you waited with the point 3 till now, it is a great time to make the first step 🙂
I already covered some great courses for people interested in BPM for 2015 and early 2016 and today I am happy to share with you list of (free) online courses for the second half of 2016.
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As you know from my previous posts we (BPMN Model Interchange Working Group) had a chance to make a live demo of the BPMN interchange.
The demo session was very successful and in less than a half of hour participants of the demo could learn more about the BPMN MIWG (from Simon who did the introduction and coordinated our session) and see how a BPMN diagram moves between the “business tools” which change the model (this time Falko started with bpmn.io, I took over with ADONIS and Simon did the last changes with Trisotech) to the execution engines.
This time we had 3 execution engines: W4 (presented by François), Camunda (Falko), and Omny Link (by Tim). As the model was directly transferred to execution with no time for adding technical attributes, there was no room for errors. And there were none – everything went smoothly, proving that BPMN interoperability is possible among the tools from BPMN Champions League (term coined by Falko in his post about the event).
Apart from the BPMN MIWG demonstration there were many other interesting sessions during the online summit covering topics like BPM of Things, creating living process applications, digital transformation, digital business (yes – digital was popular topic…), DMN and operational excellence. I also had a chance to present few tips for building the process architecture.
To my surprise my blog (BPM Tips) received the award of “Best BPM promoter in Eastern Europe 2015”.
If you did not have a chance to join the Online Summit do not worry as the organizers will soon add the possibility to watch the recordings – I will update this post when they are live.
Recording of the BPMN MIWG session:
My session on Business Process Architecture:
This post opens the series about building the Business Process Architecture.
Listen to the interview with BPM thought leader Roger Burlton to learn the best practices of building the process architecture.
If you want to learn more about the process architecture sign up for the free BPM EE Online Summit where I will be presenting about this topic.
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