How to teach BPM online in 2020

Last week I had a chance to discuss (online of course) with many professors teaching BPM in Poland the current situation when they need to move their classes to online environment. Below you will find few ideas which I hope will be useful for you if you are teaching BPM 🙂

So, what do you need to run your class online?
1) Software for running online classes
2) Content
3) BPM tool for teacher and students

Software for running online classes

I personally see many universities using MS Teams. If you do not need to have your classes live I would also suggest Loom (for recording videos) + Teachable or other LMS for posting them.

Tomislav Rozman recently posted a cool diagram with an overview of options:


Usually you can use the slides and exercises you had for your class to prepare an online class. But if you need some inspiration this may help:
a) Teaching materials for the Fundamentals of BPM handbook:
b) Recordings of the MOOC courses from the authors of “Fundamentals of BPM”. The videos can also be accessed here and here.

BPM tool for teacher and students

There are 100+ tools which allow you to create BPMN diagrams, but running a BPM course usually requires something more.

Most likely you need a tool, with the following features:
a) online/browser based
b) common repository (so that you can see work of your students)
c) free for academic purposes
d) BPMN 2.0 support
e) additional diagram types such as models for creating process architecture/value chains
f) simulation

I am aware of 3 tools which fit this description (if you know any more let me know in comments!)
a) ADONIS from BOC Group
b) ARIS from Software AG
c) Signavio

Of course the tool I know the best is ADONIS, so I thought you may want to see it live. Below you can see short video I created using Loom.

If you like what you saw and would like to use ADONIS for your course here is a link to registration page (if you run EAM courses too, there is also an option for you).

BOC Academy programme gives you also access to the slides and exercises you can use with your students.


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