BPM Tips

Practical BPM tips for business process analysts and process managers

BPM Tips

Practical BPM tips for business process analysts and process managers

Interview with Steve Towers – Customer Experience Management and BPM

Everybody interested in Customer Experience (CEM) knows the quote about faster horses attributed to Henry Ford. But if asking customers what they want is not sufficient, what should we do instead?

To help you answer this question and show how do the BPM and CEM fit together I invited for an interview Steve Towers.

Below you can listen to the interview.
RSS readers – go here for the audio.


About Steve Towers

SteveSteve Towers is a seasoned practitioner with 35+ years of hands-on experience in Business Process Management, Customer Experience Management, OutsideIn & the High Performance Organization. He leads the Professional network within the BP Group.

As co-founder of www.bpgroup.org in 1992 Steve developed the world’s first and premier network for Business Process Management & Performance professionals.


“Everything everybody does in an organization is process”

“Customer Experience Management and BPM are one and the same”

“Figure out what the customer needs even if they don’t know it themselves”

“Clearly define a successful customer outcome”

“We don’t have to treat everybody the same. We have to treat everybody fairly”

“We shouldn’t be asking customers what they want because they will tell us”

“Customer categorization is very different from customer segmentation”

“Process is everything”

Social Links

Linkedin https://www.linkedin.com/in/stevetowers
Twitter @stowers

Resources mentioned in this episode

BP Group: http://www.bpgroup.org
Outside-In. the Secret of the 21st Century Leading Companies: http://www.outsideinthesecret.com
LinkedIn Lean Six Sigma group: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/37987
Blog: http://www.successfulcustomeroutcomes.net
Online course (with ducks 😉 http://www.successfulpersonaloutcomes.com

List of the places where you can follow Steve:
SPEAKING | http://www.stevebtowers.com
FACEBOOK | http://facebook.com/BPGtraining
YOUTUBE | http://youtube.com/user/snoozers69
SLIDESHARE | http://www.slideshare.net/stowers
GOOGLE+ | https://plus.google.com/+stevetowers
AMAZON | http://amazon.com/author/stevetowers

PLUS! Steve was so kind to provide an additional bonus for the listeners: a PDF template for defining successful customer outcomes. Sign up below for the download.

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Interview with Steve Towers – Customer Experience Management and BPM

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