BPM Skills in 2020 – Hot or Not (part 1)

BPM Skills in 2020 – Hot or Not (part 1)

January is often time when we come up with resolutions for a new year. While it is easy to decide that we want to change something, change will not happen unless we start doing something differently.

That’s why, like in the past years, I prepared for you post with suggestion regarding skills which will be useful for process professionals.

You can also check the 2019, 2018, 2017 part 1, 2017 part 2, and 2016 version of this post.

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BPM Skills in 2019 – Hot or Not

BPM Skills in 2019 – Hot or Not

Chances are you have big plans for this year. But how to make those plans turn into reality?

Even brightest idea does not transform into results without:

a) Good old-fashioned hard work

b) Knowledge what to do and how to do it.

I cannot help you with point a, but for point b… 🙂

As in previous years I prepared for you answers from experts about hot skills for process/automation professionals.

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How Can BPM and Customer Journey Mapping be Used Together?

How Can BPM and Customer Journey Mapping be Used Together?

Customer Journey Mapping is getting more and more visibility. Vendors are adding support for this kind of modeling to their tools. Companies start CJM projects as parts of larger Customer Experience initiatives.

Sometimes organizations feel that the job of the BPM teams is not “hot” anymore and Customer Experience specialists can lead the organizations to success in the age of the customer. Is it really so?

This article (originally published on BPTrends) shows relations between process modelling and customer journey mapping.

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BPM Skills in 2018 – Hot or Not

Each year is a chance to make a change for yourself and your organization. But it will be a positive change only if you know what are the right things to focus on, and which ones should be avoided.

To help you make 2018 your best year ever I asked 20+ BPM experts about the skills that will be hot this year.

As you will see I kept the basic structure used in 2016 and 2017 version of this post, but to make it more actionable added a question about the best resources to learn the hot BPM skills.

Plus – this time I have something extra 🙂

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BPM Skills in 2017 – Hot or Not

BPM Skills in 2017 – Hot or Not

It’s Not Your Daddy’s BPM.

Some of the things we were traditionally doing as BPM practitioners are no longer seen as important. New trends are emerging. Hype level is very high.

Do you want to know which BPM skills will be really useful in 2017?

I do 🙂

To help you focus on relevant things and skip things that will not give results this year I asked some of the best BPM experts in the world two questions:

1. What are the skills and techniques that can help BPM practitioners create value for their organizations in 2017?

2. Which skills are no longer relevant or not practically applicable yet (hype)

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Interview with Steve Towers – Customer Experience Management and BPM

Interview with Steve Towers – Customer Experience Management and BPM

Everybody interested in Customer Experience (CEM) knows the quote about faster horses attributed to Henry Ford. But if asking customers what they want is not sufficient, what should we do instead?

To help you answer this question and show how do the BPM and CEM fit together I invited for an interview Steve Towers.
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Interview with Neil Ward-Dutton – how to weave a digital thread through your operations, products and services

Interview with Neil Ward-Dutton – how to weave a digital thread through your operations, products and services

When I was a kid I enjoyed reading about heroes and gods from Greek mythology (and now I work for a company offering BPM tool called ADONIS – is it a coincidence?).

One of my favorite was the one of Theseus who defeated the Minotaur. To do so he had to enter the dangerous Labyrinth created by Daedalus. He would not make it without help from Ariadne as she gave him instructions and the thread, so that he would not get lost.

Today many organizations venture into realm of Digital Transformation. They want to become heroes for their customers (i.e. create outstanding Customer Experience).

Some will be successful – even though their CEOs will probably not be immortalized in myths 🙂 Some will fail.

What will make the difference? Having some guidance on what to do and proper tools supporting the Digital Transformation.

Neil Ward-Dutton from MWD Advisors shares tips on how to weave the ‘digital thread’ through your operations, products and services to support new customer experiences.
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