Best MOOCs for BPM professionals
List of best MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses) for Business Process Management professionals
Practical BPM tips for business process analysts and process managers
Practical BPM tips for business process analysts and process managers
List of best MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses) for Business Process Management professionals
One of the most important elements of every Business Analyst’s toolkit is process modeling, which is also significant activity for Business Process Management professionals. For BPM market BPMN is now the standard for modeling processes. But is it also the case for BA’s? To find out what are the best practices, I asked some of […]
What do you do when you need to create a process model? Some people use basic office software and I must say they sometimes create cool models (I had a chance to see complete EPC stencils in Excel and pretty awesome models created with PowerPoint auto shapes). The problem is that models created this way […]
Recently I was running an online coaching session with a guy from Florida and he asked me how to approach building process maps for smaller projects. This is a good question 🙂 so I will share some of the elements we discussed live, hoping they will also be useful for you.
What do you do if you need to run a workshop about BPM related topics? I like to grab one of the books from my BPM library when I am done with the preparations to add some extra quotes and stories 🙂 This time I picked “Faster Cheaper Better: The 9 Levers for Transforming How […]
Have you ever wondered if you could spend the time wasted on status meetings doing something that actually adds value? Do you think there should be a better way to use Excel and PowerPoint to manage your initiative? You should take a look at Shibumi application.
“We plan to move the process modelling to the business guys but they are not ready to produce correct models”, “It takes too long to fix all those errors”, “There are no descriptions for the process steps. Again…” Do you also struggle with models created by your colleagues with less than perfect BPMN knowledge and […]
Have you ever seen process models with task names like “Prepare report and get approval” and wondered if this is how it should be done? Recently I had a nice discussion with participants of my BPMN training and noticed that it is not obvious for everyone how to split the processes into tasks.
In the past weeks I had a chance to spend more time working with Bonita BPM, so I decided to prepare a short (11 minutes) video review of this tool. This is a first video of the BPM Toolbox series, where I will share with you useful BPM tools, techniques and methods.
Recently my daughter is watching the timeless Once Upon a Time… The Explorers by Albert Barillé. One of her favourite episodes is “The Taxis and the first Postal System”. Watching it with her I noticed the brilliant idea that allowed the Taxis family build their postal service.