BPM Tips

Practical BPM tips for business process analysts and process managers

BPM Tips

Practical BPM tips for business process analysts and process managers

Best BPM online courses – 2016 edition

What were your plans for 2016?
Eat healthy food? Exercise daily? Learn the basics of BPM?

If you waited with the point 3 till now, it is a great time to make the first step 🙂

I already covered some great courses for people interested in BPM for 2015 and early 2016 and today I am happy to share with you list of (free) online courses for the second half of 2016.

Course #1: “Business Process Management: an Introduction to Process Thinking“.

Instructors: Marcello La Rosa, Marlon Dumas, Jan Mendling, and Hajo Reijers

When does it start: 5 Sep 2016

Link: https://www.futurelearn.com/courses/business-process-management/1

Comment: This is an introduction course (3 weeks), longer one (12 weeks) will take place this autumn, but the dates are not announced yet. If you sign up below this post I will let you know when the course is available.

UPDATE: details about the full course

This time it will be split into 3 parts:
Part 1 – “Process identification and discovery”: 10 October to 6 November 2016
Part 2 – “Process analysis and redesign”: 21 November to 18 December 2016
Part 3 – “Process implementation and monitoring”: 16 January to 12 February 2017

Another novel aspect this year is a final verified exam which allow students to gain a certificate of achievement on the Fundamentals of BPM.

I participated last year in the “Fundamentals of BPM” and it was awesome, so plan to take all courses this year.

Course #2: “Process Mining: Data science in Action“.

Instructors: Wil van der Aalst

When does it start: 5 Sep 2016

Link: https://www.coursera.org/learn/process-mining

Comment: This was the first MOOC I took in my life and it really rocked. Process mining is a hot topic in BPM, so don’t let the “data science” part intimidate you and jump in.

Note: as with most of courses on Coursera it comes in several flavors. Basically if you want a certificate you need to pay, but course itself is free.

Course #3: “Introduction to Operations Management“.

Instructors: Christian Terwiesch

When does it start: 5 Sep 2016

Link: https://www.coursera.org/learn/wharton-operations

Comment: This is also course on Coursera, so if you want the free access select “Audit” option with no quizzes and certificate.

Do you know other online courses for BPM professionals? Let me know in comments!

If you want to be informed when “Fundamentals of BPM” course is available sign up below.

Best BPM online courses – 2016 edition

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