BPM Tips

Practical BPM tips for business process analysts and process managers

BPM Tips

Practical BPM tips for business process analysts and process managers


Books for people interested in business process management (BPM)

Nearly 3 years have passed since my last post about BPM books plus I had a chance to notice few more interesting ones while writing a book about BPM myself 😉  So, I wanted to share with you updated and extended list of books which I would recommend to anyone interested in business process management.

BPMN Model Interchange Working Group capability demonstration 2024

BPMN MIWG capability demo is back! Again, we will be showcasing the interoperability of BPMN diagrams. This time our capability demonstration will not be a part of the Object Management Group conference, but it will be a standalone (online) event on July 18th, 2024 at 04:00 PM CEST. UPDATE: below you can see the YouTube […]

Cool things you can do with BPMN diagrams (part 1)

One of my favorite parts of process modeling trainings is discussing with participants how do they plan to use those skills. It is a matter of process maturity in an organization (since some of the scenarios require some BPM know-how), specific goals and planned initiatives of the organizations (if you have a budget for process […]

BPMN MIWG capability demonstration 2020

As you may recall from the earlier posts about BPMN Model Interchange Working Group live interoperability demonstrations we usually had part of modelling and exchanging BPMN diagrams among participating tools and at the end session where automation was shown. In 2018 and 2019 we did not have time to show the automation. In 2020 edition […]

Fundamentals of BPM (and many other interesting books) available for free on Springer

I learned from Sandy Kemsley (read the original post on column2.com) that Springer is now offering many interesting books and journals for free. So, if you watched the Fundamentals of BPM MOOC videos and want to deepen your knowledge this is a great opportunity to read the Fundamentals of Business Process Management (2nd edition)!

Start 2020 strong with knowledge about Fundamentals of BPM

Every year is a chance to learn (and use in practice) something new. I believe in learning from the best – this is why on this blog you can find world-class BPM experts sharing their knowledge with you 🙂 I think that one of the best sources of knowledge about Business Process Management is the […]

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