BPM Skills in 2017 – part 2
I am happy to offer you great addition to BPM skills in 2017 post – tips from 5 BPM thought leaders: BJ Biernatowski, Scott Francis, Scott Menter, dr. Tomislav Rozman, and Roger Tregear.
Practical BPM tips for business process analysts and process managers
Practical BPM tips for business process analysts and process managers
I am happy to offer you great addition to BPM skills in 2017 post – tips from 5 BPM thought leaders: BJ Biernatowski, Scott Francis, Scott Menter, dr. Tomislav Rozman, and Roger Tregear.
It’s Not Your Daddy’s BPM. Some of the things we were traditionally doing as BPM practitioners are no longer seen as important. New trends are emerging. Hype level is very high. Do you want to know which BPM skills will be really useful in 2017? I do 🙂 To help you focus on relevant things […]
Do you want to learn more about Business Process Management? Below you can find a list of BPM related books that I have read and recommend as well as those that I plan to read.
I am happy to share with you one of the videos created for the upcoming online BPM Value Summit and 2 awesome news. In this interview Prof. Marcello La Rosa shares best practices of implementing Business Process Management in organizations.
One of my favorite BPMN 2.0 features are intermediate events. While it is relatively easy to grasp the concept of start events and end events, not everyone understands intermediate events and I get lots of questions from my students about them. I recently updated the video about intermediate events for my course on Udemy and […]
Did you ever wonder how to convince executives to treat BPM as something more than just one more management method? Or how to make employees care? Many of my readers asked those questions, so I decided to bring you answers 🙂
One of the main struggles of BPM practitioners is how to make organization care about Business Process Management. How to make sure that people will be interested in models you create? How to get the executive support for the process management initiative and what kind of support is sufficient? Does it sound interesting? Read on…
Everybody interested in Customer Experience (CEM) knows the quote about faster horses attributed to Henry Ford. But if asking customers what they want is not sufficient, what should we do instead? To help you answer this question and show how do the BPM and CEM fit together I invited for an interview Steve Towers.
The summer holidays are time to slow down a bit and think about what we are doing daily. It also applies to BPM where we often forget about things that really matter. To give you fresh and common sense approach to BPM I invited for an interview Emiel Kelly.
Digital Transformation is one of the most important trends shaping BPM currently. To give you overview of how does it link with BPM and what are the other hot topics in BPM I invited for an interview Pedro Robledo.